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Secrets of Odu Ejiogbe
Oruko Names of Orishas
Welcome has been created since January 16th, 2004, in order to offer a  generalnformation, knowledge of the Traditional  Yoruba Religion and the"Sincretismo", produced by the Diáspora (taken of African slaves) to North America, Puerto Rico, Haiti, Brazil, Cuba etc. I am Iyalorisha and Iyaonifa of the Lineage Odugbemi Epega. From very early age I have dedicated myself to the esoteric investigation, studies, old religions. Different means from divination such as: Astrology, Tarot, Obi Abata and as Iyalorisha(mother of Orisha) take to 20 years using the Dilogún as a tool to communicate with the Deities advising in all the human activities. Later I have continued with the studies of Ifa that correspond to me from my initiation as Iyaonifa since 2004.

The only condition that is asked for all the web visitors is respect to the different religious points of view, are these lucumi or belong to the movement of Ancestral Yoruba Religion, new concepts that are being slowly incorporated by the diverse priests and priestesses of the African Diaspora in Cuba and the world.



My evolution towards Iyanifa

You may or may not remember me telling you I had gone to see a babalawo in February. That caused a bit of drama with a friend apparently. He''s still not talking to me because I went without discussing it with him, seeking his express approval and worse, choosing an African babalawo rather than his Santeria padrino and even worse, choosing to follow the guidance of someone he expressly dislikes, and worse yet. more...

The Yorùbá Animal Metaphors: Analysis

ADÉS.O.LÁ O.LÁTÉ.JÚ Options ADÉS.O.LÁ O.LÁTÉ.JÚ University of Ibadan, Nigeria ABSTRACT The paper undertakes a study of animal metaphors in the Yorùbá language with a view to highlighting the stylistic and communicative potentials of these metaphors. To achieve the set objective, the ... IFA ayuda a hombres y mujeres de varias maneras. La primera en la que IFA ayuda al hombre es con "Akosejaiye". Akosejaiye se realiza en el nacimiento de un bebé. Cuando está recién nacido. Esto es una ceremonia que se realiza con una forma especial de adivinación a nombre del niño para comprobar su futuro, saber lo que debe o no debe hacer, y otras cosas .. .more...

Exercise Discipline

Olokuntogun Ojedele

Spiritual discipline is the ability to control one’s actions, rather than have them controlled by other people and/or unpleasant spiritual entities. Spiritual discipline also applies to the means or techniques that we use to gain control over our actions. Discipline is defined as “Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior; especially training that produces moral or mental improvement.” In this way it is related to the Yoruba concept of ese, which means, struggle or self-help1. Discipline is also described as, “A branch of knowledge or teaching ... more


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